Friday, July 12, 2013

Paparazzi insults Curise Suri, daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Last Thursday in Manhattan paparazzi have insulted the daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Suri Cruise, who is only 7 years old.

The daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise had a confrontation with paparazzi at a young age, and proved to be a spoiled brat and called a Bitch.
Paparazzi insults Curise Suri, daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Suri Cruise and her mother out of a store when a swarm of photographers and fans surrounded them, which did not like the little daughter of the actors, who asked that, depart from around at what one of these photographers responded very poorly.

The child of only seven years screaming things like: "We're trying to get to the car, stop!" or "Move out of my way."

One of the photographers did not take so well the words of Suri, and shouted, "Goodbye Suri, little brat”, one of them tried to defend Suri, but the former insisted and was heard saying, "is a bitch”.

What are senses of these Paparazzi who are insulting and called such rubbish talk with a pretty girl like Curise Suri. I think they have no family or kids if they have never behave such way with others. 

This kind of incident is not good for child growth and sometimes it affected their mental health. Wishes better luck for the cute Curise Suri the daughter of celebrity parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.


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